Author: Chantelle van der MerweRegistered Dietitian (SA) . PG Dip Diabetes Management (UK). Combining creativity and expertise to manage diabetes through nutrition. Insulin is an essential medication for individuals living with diabetes to manage their blood glucose levels effectively. However, some people using insulin may experience weight gain as a side effect, which can be concerning. In this article, we will explore the factors contributing to weight gain and provide practical tips to help individuals with diabetes on insulin therapy avoid excess weight gain. Factors Contributing to Weight Gain Several factors can influence weight gain in individuals using insulin for diabetes management. These factors include age, sex, height, insulin resistance, genetic makeup, family history, ethnicity, diet, and exercise habits. How Insulin Contributes to Weight Gain Insulin therapy can cause weight gain due to the body's improved glucose absorption, leading to the conversion of excess glucose into fat. Moreover, individuals on insulin might eat more to prevent hypoglycemia, resulting in increased calorie consumption and subsequent weight gain. It's important to note that weight gain might occur as a result of improved glycemic control, which is a positive outcome of insulin therapy. Tips to Avoid Excessive Weight Gain while Using Insulin
While insulin therapy is crucial for diabetes management, it is important to address weight gain concerns. Monitoring calorie and carbohydrate intake, choosing low-glycemic index foods, engaging in regular exercise, prioritizing good sleep, and practicing stress management can help individuals on insulin therapy avoid excess weight gain. Collaborate closely with your healthcare team, including your dietitian, to adjust your treatment plan and insulin dosages based on blood glucose levels, diet, and activity levels. By adopting a comprehensive approach to diabetes management, you can maintain a healthy weight while effectively managing your blood sugar levels.
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Chantelle vd Merwe RD (SA)
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